Pool Prep After Other Priorities Are Met
Naturally, we all have a lot of things on our minds as we prepare for Hurricane Irma. As most peoples are rushing to prepare their homes for the larger priorities to protect their homes from the storm, those with pools naturally have questions about how to best prepare them as well. We have some basic do’s and don’ts that will help you navigate this hectic time.
Please take a moment to review some pool tips related to Hurricane preparations for your swimming pool. Important to do’s and don’ts. Please take a moment to review the video for details.
DO’s Shut off the breaker before the storm as precautionary. Remove deck furniture and store inside shed or house.
DONT’S Drain you pool Put any chairs or furniture in your pool
Learn how to Hurricane Prep Your Pool Here!
Continue to get the rest of our updates about how to care for your pool before and after on our Facebook page. We will continue to add information there.
Also, we will update you there if we add any new information to the website.